position in sports

Sport has many roles to play among different people within a community: whether it is curling, cricket, basketball, or football, people embrace sports to get some adrenaline and compete. Also, the sport has a great role to unite people from different countries and nations, especially if they gather together to participate in some championships. On the whole, the question is not what sport is the best one, since different people have different interests and passions. In this article, we’d rather focus on the hardest position in sports and the challenges that sportsmen face apart from the enjoyment they derive. Whatever type of sport you choose, consider that it has some position that no ordinary person can cope with. So, let us start.

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The List of the Hardest Position in All Sports

  1. Center (Basketball).

Every time a ball comes down low, the center is going to be bumped and hand-checked. It’s impossible to disagree that going hard in the paint for up to 30 minutes requires outstanding physical and psychological strength.

  1. Running Back.

I find running exhausting. Just imagine how hard it is to run 40 yards in 4 seconds. As if it is not enough, a running back must dodge defenders and linebackers who are trying to knock him down. And this all happens 20-30 times in a game.

  1. Shortstop.

The very first thought you might have is, “Is it hard to play in the shortstop position?” The responsibility lies in fielding ground balls and throwing them then. However, the position of a shortstop is also the position of a quarterback, so one is to have a quick reaction. More so, this position predetermines holding the position on top of the second base, where the runner is moving towards one.

  1. Midfielder.

I would call soccer a test on human endurance. While it lasts 90 minutes, a midfielder is supposed to run around the field all the time. Experienced midfielders consider an 8000-meter run to be their daily routine. Plus, they help the offense and the defense.

  1. Pitcher.

The strain one has to bear is the hard ball being thrown at 90 mph. Thus, one needs to have really strong arms to perform this role. In the loaded position, the player’s shoulder rotates forward and the highest speed for it is 7,000 degrees per second. According to the estimates, this is the fastest possible movement for human activity. One professor of Physics once claimed that if the speed of the entire body is accelerated for more than one minute, a person would die. So, judging on this fact, what the pitcher is doing defies any physics laws. The physical strength of the arm plus the stress endured within the game makes the pitcher’s position one of the most demanding and hardest sports positions.

  1. Center (Football).

A team expects them to know what all defensive linemen are about to do. They are also supposed to recognize blitz schemes and get the ball back to the quarterback. This done, they must block anyone who’s coming at them almost at the speed of light.

  1. Tennis athlete.

I understand that not many people agree with the concept of “being a tennis athlete is hard.” Still, give it some thought and get to know what responsibilities and roles a tennis player has. A tennis athlete serves the ball at the minimum speed of 100 mph and that demands strength and endurance during the play. The way of serving tennis balls is designed specifically in a way that the recipient fails to return the ball. More so, there are no coaches on the sideline to help make the choice, so the tennis athletes on the court make all the choices themselves. An interesting fact is that every tennis player has his or her rank: and the higher it is, the larger the target one has on the back.

  1. Catcher.

Would you be able to spend an hour squatting? In a catcher’s armor under the burning sun? After that, try running 90 ft and expect other players to run into you at full speed. If you still do not agree that being a catcher is stressful, try doing all things I’ve just mentioned 6 times a week for half a year.

  1. Goalie (Hockey).

Any part of the body, namely arms, parts of the face, ears, legs, chest, head, etc., can appear in the way of a direct and quick 100-mile-per-hour slap shot. All that padding can be rather dangerous, so a goalie is to have a really quick reaction in order not to catch a slapper in the head or chest. People who decide to become a goalie are worth admiration since this position can be stressful and traumatic.

  1. Keeper.

Some people would not agree here, but one has to be extremely skillful to defend an 8×24 ft net. No matter how tall and physically fit you are, stopping a ball that is flying at a speed of 70 miles per hour seems crazy. And all they have to help them is a pair of padded gloves.

  1. NFL cornerback.

This is certainly one of the hardest positions in sports as a cornerback’s role lies in trying to stop some of the most athletic, fast, and tall players from catching the ball. Do you know such fast people with high endurance? Imagine how hard it can be during the game to be so focused and fast.

  1. Quarterback.

These guys stand there and expect some 300-pound lineman to hit them any second. Don’t you think they have nerves of iron? In addition, imagine how their arms hurt after throwing one lb. ball 30 times per game.

Hope that these were some interesting and appealing facts about sports so that you could get to know that some sports are more tedious and demanding than you have ever thought. Some positions may only seem easy as you observe them from aside. In the majority of cases, even if some sports seem to be physically demanding, for a lot of players, a lot of mental strengths and skills are needed to excel in them. Such good preparation is strongly needed when you play on a team and other team players depend on you.

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When you think of the hardest position in sports, for different people the definition will be different. Still, consider the following criteria:

  • the amount of pressure and stress one has to ensure during the game;
  • equipment one needs to wear to protect one’s body;
  • decision-making skills and quick thinking;
  • the amount of training one has to go through to excel at the position.

Is Quarterback the Hardest Position in Sports?

I once happen to watch the Eagles-Giants, and it impresses me what type of tough work a quarterback did. This is certainly a unique position since there are only 32 starring quarterbacks in the whole world of the NFL.

Some of the challenging aspects of this position are the following:

  • It is essential to memorize the playbook well. One reporter from the Los Angeles Times named Sam Farmer specifies that one of the famous quarterbacks, Jon Gruden, had a playbook that contained many pages of the enlisted pass plays, running plays, and other combinations.
  • The responsibility lies in not merely understanding what the very quarterback needs to do during the game but also what other offensive players are doing.
  • A quarterback is to be able to read and forecast defense operations as well as make quick decisions consequently.
  • Mastering the position requires watching studying videos for many hours.
  • A quarterback is to be skillful enough to be able to throw balls in various positions depending on the complexity of the situation.
  • A quarterback needs to be strong enough to withstand the physical pressure of other players, who are athletic and resilient.
  • A quarterback is to win authority among the other team players since it is a leading position that ought to be shown ample respect to.
  • A quarterback is to be open and ready to deal with the scrutiny and extra attention that can be easily gotten from journalists, reporters, and fans.
  • A great advantage would be for a quarterback to be good-looking.

The hardest positions in sports can be a highly controversial and debatable topic. Still, despite its subjectivity, hope you now know why quarterback is regarded to be a tough position.

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