Writing a comparison and contrast essay that is easy to follow is a complicated task. However, if you make some efforts, you will easily cope with this challenge. In the initial stage, you have to do some preparatory work. First of all, create a rough list of similarities and/ or differences between the things, people, or notions you are going to correlate. Try to sort all the points into two categories: less significant and more significant ones. Of course, it is easier to discuss only the differences or only the similarities; however, most usually, you will be supposed to consider both sides. Then, you have to organize your essay according to a certain plan. The two plans, which are most usually used, are discussed below; you can choose the one that will fit your essay the most or follow your way. Finally, develop a strong thesis. Remember, discussing the differences and similarities is only a path to some destination point, i.e. a specific statement that you are going to prove in the body of your essay. Once you have this point, look through the list one more time and ensure all your similarities and differences are related to the thesis. If not, make the necessary corrections or change the point itself.
Choose and Follow a Plan
Plan A
You can employ plan A for your comparison and contrast essay in case you have numerous differences and/or similarities to be considered. The body of your essay will be divided into two nominal parts. In the first part, you will only discuss point #1 in detail. In the second part, you will discuss point #2, comparing and contrasting it with point #1. In such a manner, the differences and similarities are elaborated on only in the second part of the paper.
Plan B
Plan B is beneficial if you are going to consider only a few considerable differences and/or similarities. For example, in the body paragraphs of your comparison essay, you will successively discuss similar point #1 for both things/people, then similar point #2, and so forth until you are done. If your essay will include not only similarities but also differences, try to start with less important characteristics (general) with more important (specific) ones. In such a manner, you do compare and contrast jobs in each body paragraph.
Choosing the Right Topic
There are no strict rules concerning which comparison and contrast essay topics are allowed and which are not; in fact, you can research any subject matter using this model. Most importantly, the topic should be interesting to you as a writer since only in this case, you will be able to make the text appealing to your audience. Here are some options:
- BMW or Audi
- Stages of My Life
- Windows or Linux
- The Two Guys I Like
- Group Work and Individual Assignments
- Two Wannabe Presidents
- Republicans or Democrats
Creating an Outline
Below, you can find an example of an effective comparison essay outline; however, it is not a hard-and-fast rule but rather a general recommendation. Look it through to get a general idea of what you are supposed to do. This outline should not limit you but rather motivate you to go further in your research.
- Introduction with the thesis statement
- Similarity #1
A. 1st thing
B. 2nd thing - Similarity #2
A. 1st thing
B. 2nd thing - Difference #1
A. 1st thing
B. 2nd thing - Difference #2
A. 1st thing
B. 2nd thing - Conclusion
If you want to get a high grade, out of many contrast and comparison essay topics, you have to choose the most relevant one. Try to avoid overworked themes; always be creative and prefer unconventional to common. If you experience any difficulties with writing your essay, look for appropriate contrast or comparison essay example on Papers-Writings.net.