Having a perfectly written sample in front of your eyes gives you a clear idea of how a paper should be arranged, this 250-word essay example helps you write your essay.
Human beings are almost entirely to blame for the problems that face the balance of the ecosystem today. Due to the greedy nature of a man to establish industries and expand his ecological footprint, he has forgotten the plight of other organic components and that of his fellow man. An unfortunate event is that while using brains to better his life, he has forgotten to use these very brains to sort the mess called environmental pollution created over time. Less than enough has been done to avert the crises posed by the hazardous chemicals produced by the inventions of a man. To make matters worse, harmful toxins that contribute directly to the mortality of a man are also being produced in large quantities.
Global Warming
In this age and time, global warming is a topic discussed in every international meeting that cares to touch on environmental issues. This highlights the importance of global warming and its contributors to the comfortable living of mankind. Science has been able to outline the components of photochemical smog and its role in global warming.
Ecological economists need to push for nations to carry out their share of responsibilities towards sustaining ecological wealth. These duties should include setting up adequate resources, including finances, to facilitate the efforts aimed at conservation, and research projects – at solving environmental issues. As a crusader of environmental conservation, I am pleased by the efforts of the United Nations and the World Bank in facilitating the globalization of conservation efforts.